Thursday 28 June 2007

The software tools I use

I wanted to publish to the tools I am currently using in my everyday work to help others see what is out there on the web as regards to tools and the tasks that they can perform. I also mention which ones are free to help those on a budget. Like myself! :o)

Desktop Tools
-Notepad++ (Free)
-Picasa2 (Free)
-QuickSearcher Freeware (Free)
-Spybot - Search & Destroy (Free)
-Winamp (Free)
-xplorer2 (Free for personal use)
-MediaMonkey (Free)
-Microsoft Office Excel 2003
-Launch Microsoft Office Outlook
-Microsoft Office Visio 2007
-Microsoft Office Word 2003
-Open Office (Free)

Web Tools
-Internet Explorer 6.0
-Internet Information Services
-Launch Internet Explorer Browser
-Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
-Mozilla Firefox (Free)
-Shortcut to gui_tidy (Free)
-SmartFTP Client
-Absolute Color Picker (Free)
-ASP.NET Web Matrix (Free)
-Free Monitor for Google (Free)
-Internet Explorer 3.0

Development Tools
-Microsoft Office Access 2003
-Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Graphic Tools
-Adobe Illustrator CS2
-GIMP 2 (Free)
-Adobe Bridge

Network Tools
-Remote Desktop Connection
-Steel Inventory (Free)
-TightVNC Viewer (Free)
-Kaboodle (Free)
-NetZup (Free)

Project Tools
-Open Workbench (Free)

System Tools
-CCleaner (Free)
-CDBurnerXP Pro 3 (Free)
-JDiskReport (Free)
-SyncToy (Free)
-Autoruns (Free)

If anyone can suggest other tools then they are welcome to post them and I will include them after I do a little review(of course!).

Tuesday 26 June 2007

finance and me

I haven't been the best at looking after my financial details in my life so I have made a choice to turn this around!
My plan is to:
1. Get a high earning savers account
2. Open a Credit Union account.
3. Be ruthless with my direct debits from my salary account into these accounts.
4. Invest in current projects that I am running and be stern about financial return on investment and time.
5. Collaborate with other like minded people to setup a group that can push big and bright new ideas.

I would be delighted to hear from others who have a similar aim to myself and see what we can bounce around.

Thats the plan at the moment. Will keep this updated as the situation evolves.

Friday 15 June 2007

inspiration from another

A light turned on for me reading a blog (web log) of a very kind person, what hit me is that I have always had something inside of me that has been wanting to get out and express itself. I have never known what it was, that hidden creature trying to get out, I now know it is my lift someone’s day through my talent. Wow!

To use my own two hands to lift another from the ground, to shoulder a person’s burden and help them succeed in what they have always dreamed of doing... a dream catcher....

Thank you Steve.

Website Hosting Providers

A came across the need to research the costs of the main internet providers in Ireland and a couple in the US and UK. It made for very interesting reading. Hope you find it useful.

It's amazing to see how they structure their plans... Good to know and gives me the sight now to be informed. Also bear in mind that this of course has already expired by the time I have finished typing.

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Internet providers in Ireland

Well as water and electrics are a necessity, the internet is just as crucial nowadays especially given that the world wide web is my playground and office!

I wanted to find what Internet Service Providers were available in my area, Killaloe , Co Clare. I found a great site here that checks for all the providers in every county Ireland.

Have heard bad new about Irish Broadband and their level of quality, Eircom seems to be a goer. I will email each and see what they have to offer.

Imagine Broadband -
BT - no email only contact form!
Eircom -
Digiweb -
Irish Broadband -

Will keep the winner posted here!

I got no reply from any of the above when I emailed them. I waited two weeks!
So I got on the blower to get this sorted out this week. So I found out that due to no wireless coverage from any providers I am forced to get a phone if I want internet at home... I didnt want to get a phone line... Eircom were definitely on top for price.

26th July 07 Update:
I found a great collection of all the providers on wiki . God bless that site!

ideabubble - a baby growing up

ideabubble is a project idea I came up with to help my realise some dreams I have:
- write and produce a song and have it be the biggest downloaded mp3 in Ireland.
- create an e-commerce business that allows me to write and sing music full time.
- help share other artists works of art, be it art or music.
- bring music and art to the people who didn't have a fair start in life.

This project has been a baby of mine for too long, now its time to send it out into the big real world and see if it can inspire great things from and for people.

Inspiring a person I believe is the greatest thing I can do with my own two hands.

ideabubble is a web design support group which loves to give help and advice to people.

Vegetable Juices the tonic of life!

I have been using a juicer in work for tea time treats and have been amazed at the boost in energy levels I am experiencing! It really doesn't take alot of effort..only commitment. I have promised to take 3 forms of exercise a week and stick to it. I am finding that as I hit my targets I feel alot happier physically and mentally.

Well I looked about online to see what I could find a breakdown of which vegetables give what to my body. I found a great listing here. Its very useful to see what vegetable I should use for my tea time juice break!

I ended up printing this useful table and hanging it up in the kitchen at work.

I have promised myself to keep this lifestyle up and running...cos I care about myself and want to have energy to do things in life.

Friday 8 June 2007

Health Insurance Comparison

I went to trawl through the different Healthcare providers in Ireland. I am currently with VHI and have been wondering how do they compare to other providers. I sometimes wonder why I have it all to be honest! I mean its based on fear the whole insurance racket. That being said it does tempt you to wonder "what if I didnt have any cover?" I need to well organised to send in the receipts, I am not aware of any provider that allows you to do this that would be a winner for me.

So here's what I found out:

"At present, there are relatively minor

price differences between the three insurers for basic hospital cover,

with VIVAS at present the cheapest, yet the differences are essentially


I then reviewed what I am paying a month on health insurance and at present I am paying 59€ per month on the life choices from VHI. I figure that as it is a very low percentage of my salary I will continue and trust that fact that there is competition in the health insurance market that would ultimately serve you and I the customers.

A great comparison is done on several topics including healthcare insurance here []

Other good reads on the topic:

Tuesday 5 June 2007

What vegetables are in Season

I got the cooking bug! So I did some online research into whats good to eat and when in Ireland. Couldn't find anything comprehensive for the whole year so I started compiling this myself and here are the results of the irish jury! :o)







New potatoes
























Sites I liked when I was surfing:

Now all I need is to get cooking!! yummie.