Friday 8 June 2007

Health Insurance Comparison

I went to trawl through the different Healthcare providers in Ireland. I am currently with VHI and have been wondering how do they compare to other providers. I sometimes wonder why I have it all to be honest! I mean its based on fear the whole insurance racket. That being said it does tempt you to wonder "what if I didnt have any cover?" I need to well organised to send in the receipts, I am not aware of any provider that allows you to do this that would be a winner for me.

So here's what I found out:

"At present, there are relatively minor

price differences between the three insurers for basic hospital cover,

with VIVAS at present the cheapest, yet the differences are essentially


I then reviewed what I am paying a month on health insurance and at present I am paying 59€ per month on the life choices from VHI. I figure that as it is a very low percentage of my salary I will continue and trust that fact that there is competition in the health insurance market that would ultimately serve you and I the customers.

A great comparison is done on several topics including healthcare insurance here []

Other good reads on the topic:

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