Monday 2 July 2007


I found out several years ago that I had this disorder, the "celtic jaundice" was something I accidentally stumbled over when I was getting a complete blood checkup done. Something I do randomly when I get paranoid! Since my diagnosis in 2001 I have had 23 blood tests, 22 blood lettings and 2 liver biopsies. Phlebotomies as they are also known takes 400ml(approx) of your blood to "dilute" the iron overload effect.
I am amazed that the only treatment for one of the biggest genetic disorders in humankind involves such a pre historic cure. Haemochromatosis is very widespread and most people don't find out until the symptoms are so widespread that it involves pretty drastic measure.

I have travelled around the world and have found that the cheapest form of blood analysis was in Tanzania (€4). The most proficient service and advanced service I received was in Australia in Perth. Excellent service under the Red Cross Group!

If you have this disorder there is loads of information online. The references I found useful are listed below.
As usual wikipedia gives a great overview of the subject here and the Irish Haemochromotosis Association keep the topic very up-to-date and their members subscription newsletter is very interesting too.

One invention I would love to have is the ability to self test my iron levels from the comfort of my own home. Any ideas anyone? Is there such a way?

Update 03 July 2007:
Visited my doctor this morning for a blood checkup and he mentioned that the IBTS(Irish Blood Transfusion Service) has started a pilot program to take people suffering from Haemochromotosis and use their blood for donations. He gave me an interesting newsletter to read which can be found here . This is great news as they are providing this service free of charge! Lets roll it out all over Ireland please.

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